Marathon |Half Marathon | Marathon Relay | 10K | 5K | Youth Run | Mile | Volunteer

Wave Start

The marathon, marathon relay, and the half marathon start at the same time.

To lessen overcrowding on the course, runners start in waves based on pace. Runners are assigned to their waves based on their estimated finish times, specified during registration.

Wave Marathon & Marathon Relay Finish Half Marathon Finish
A 3:28 and faster 1:44 and faster
B 3:29 to 3:40 1:45 to 1:50
C 3:41 to 3:59 1:51 to 1:59
D 4:00 2:00
E 4:01 to 4:20 2:01 to 2:10
F 4:21 to 4:40 2:11 to 2:20
G 4:41 to 5:00 2:21 to 2:30
H 5:01 and up 2:31 and up

Diagram of starting corrals, including associated times.

The fastest runners are assigned to the first wave and occupy the first starting corral. After they have cleared the starting line, the next corral moves up to the starting line and, after a yet-to-be-determined interval, the second wave starts, and so on. We expect the last wave to clear the starting line around 7:45 a.m.

Your corral is determined by your estimated finishing time. If it turns out that your corral is undersized, just wait outside your corral entrance. As your wave moves toward the starting line, you will have time to enter the corral and move forward ahead of the wave behind you.

Your corral will be on your bib number. Runners are welcome to enter a wave slower than the one they are assigned to.

Since official times are determined by when you cross the starting and finish lines, there is no penalty for placing yourself accurately.

The wave start improves the runner experience at early water stations and on the bike path through Meadowbrook Park.

Runners at the most popular paces (around 2 hours for the half marathon and 4 hours for the marathon) will still experience some congestion and slowing when going through the park (miles 8 to 9.5).